Home Care

Maybe you’ve noticed your loved one not living safely at home or perhaps Mom is about to be discharged from Rehab or a Hospital. Whatever the reason, you’re ready to learn more about home care. Aware Senior Care is an agency I recently met at a conference based in North Carolina. They offer a free self-assessment to see if home care is the next step for you.

Home care can include companion care, nursing, occupational therapy, speech therapy, physical therapy, and social work to name a few. Here at Connected Care Aging Solutions we support families in life transitions by evaluating their person-environment fit and establishing an effective plan of care to age in place safely. Here are some suggested steps to get you started:

  1. Make contact with your primary MD.

  2. Get health literate. Know what medical conditions are present, what medications are being taken, and what specialists are being seen.

  3. Get a home safety inspection.

  4. Form your care team.

  5. Determine financing.

  6. Self-care and support groups.

This last step is often overlooked, but research shows that self-care is essential to prevent burn-out. Transitions are challenging, but you have resources to help you along the way!

Jenna MeleComment